Sunday, May 31, 2009

Feeling the Baby Move

So I have felt those little kicks and flutters for a few weeks now. I mostly feel them when I am sitting on the couch or at my desk at work. They are those little movements that make you think - OK, she's doing fine, she's awake, etc. A dad though rarely gets to feel those same things.

Well yesterday we were lying in bed and she was kicking pretty frequently and pretty hard. So despite J's snoring I rolled over and asked him if he was awake and did he want to feel his daughter kicking. J, loving every moment of this baby thing said sure and so I positioned his hand and within just a few seconds he said "there"? Sure enough, he felt a kick. He got about 4-5 of these in and it was fun. It was our topic of discussion for the rest of the day.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Teaching Bear

So J and I have been told by many how our lives will change forever and that there is nothing we can do to prepare for this change. At least we know of this unknown. We know approximately when this change will take place and that we need to mentally prepare for this unexpected change. Its Bear though I feel sorry for. There is nothing we can do to explain to him how much his world is going to change. We can't really prepare him for the change that will come to his life. He will not be the only thing we care about besides each other. I feel so bad that I can't do more for him. :(

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tre is a SHE

Today we went to the doctor and found out that Tre is a SHE. As much as J had said he didn't want to know, when it came down to it, he did. So we took a close look and determined that our little Blackie is a girl. Her are some pics of our little beauty :)

These are her hands and her arms and that is her body and the right side of the photo.

That is her butt on the right side of the picture and her legs extend to the left side of the picture. If you look close you can see her toes on the far left of the picture.

Those are just her little feet and toes wiggling hello at us.

That is her head and her body. You can fully see her eyes and her ribs. In case you still don't know what you are looking at, the round part on the left is her head and the right is her abdomen and body.
Now we just have to wait another 20 weeks to meet sad.