Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The issues and the joys of Week 5

So I am quite happy that I don't seem to have the bad symptom of the first trimester yet (knock on wood) - nausea. But, I do have the frequent need to pee - perhaps because of my diligence with drinking 2 liters of water while at work. My sense of smell is incredibly heightened - I can smell everything and it all seems to be annoying, not nauseating, just annoying.

I also have one rather odd symptom, that maybe I am just exaggerating in my mind or its actually because I am pregnant - I am farting a lot. I hope its just because of the soup I made, but it needs to stop.

Other than that, little Blackie (as we like to call the fetus, because last week he was the size of a poppy seed and a poppy seed is black - I don't know, ask my sister) reminds me all day long that he is around. I feel the pains of his growth and the exhaustion that his growth brings to me.

No celebration yet with J. I think he doesn't want to embrace the idea completely until he feels confident in the pregnancy and can share it with others. He does refer and talk about Blackie often, which is cute.

Oh and BTW, my nurse appointment was changed to the 4th - ugh - I have to wait another week!

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